Arab Academy provides a fun learning experience for children. Our unique curriculum can help children grasp the Arabic language fundamentals and prepare them for learning the language. Here are a few reasons why kids should learn using our online Arabic courses:


Our courses offer extensive lessons covering a wide range of topics. For children who have not learned anything about the Arabic alphabet and sound system, we offer an introductory course called “Toutou.” The lessons introduced in this course allow children to establish a strong foundation of the basics. They can move on and learn more once they feel comfortable with a few Arabic alphabet letters. The lessons build upon previous lessons until the kids have a solid understanding.

Consecutive courses offer opportunities to review previous lesson material and build their vocabulary. Kids can learn the vocabulary of animals, activities, emotions, manners, jobs, and more. Our courses allow children to view the words and hear how words are pronounced. This can further enhance the effectiveness of our lessons.


The Arab Academy children’s courses are designed to be entertaining so your children can learn as they play. They include fun puzzles and games, graphics, and audio. Our courses also use short stories to provide entertaining and instructional content. Children may be more motivated to get online and continue a lesson if they think it is enjoyable.

Children can learn through virtual storytelling and adventures instead of using complicated textbooks or flashcards. Our courses are visually appealing and designed to be engaging while giving the children a quality educational experience.


Unlike traditional language courses that take place in a classroom, Arab Academy’s online program allows children to learn at a speed they are comfortable with. The courses are designed to be self-paced. If a child is taking our Arabic language lessons in addition to attending a traditional school, they can practice our courses in their free time.

Kids can review a lesson multiple times until they feel comfortable with the content. They can go back and review a lesson if they need a quick refresher. Children can move through the tasks more quickly if they want a challenge.


Arab Academy’s online courses for children can take place anywhere at any time. Children can continue to learn and access course content as long as they have some sort of smart device and an internet connection.

Children can learn while traveling in the car to and from various destinations. They can learn while you are grocery shopping, or they can practice vocabulary while you are completing household tasks. The convenience of our online courses allows your kids to learn in small increments before or after daily activities at any point during the week.

Sign Up for an Arabic Language Course Today

Arab Academy provides an entertaining learning environment for children to learn the Arabic language. Our online courses are fun, convenient, flexible, and comprehensive. Provide your children with an opportunity to enhance their language-learning skills today. Get them started by signing them up for Arab Academy’s online courses.